Thursday, May 8, 2008

McCainy is Not McSame -- McShame Perhaps

What McCute or McCursed Name shall we use?

  • I've been trying to push McCainy, to echo the sound of Cheney, but it doesn't seem to be catching on. Maybe too many people know the VPs name is really pronounced Cheeneey?
  • McSame is used to promote the understanding that he will bring four more years of war profiteering and wealth transfer to the top.
  • But McSame is no longer the same old McMaverick, as we progressive news seekers know. We've swapped clips of him saying "A" today and "Z" last week. But the Big 5 Media Corporations wish to retain that old branding, so if we use McSame, are we not furthering their wish that he be perceived as remaining aboard the same Straight Talk Express? (Love Obama's regular use of references to that train's deraililng. That definitely needs repeating. Off the track, off the track, off the track... )
  • What do you suggest? John InSane? John McBane?
>>>>>>> COMMENTS IN THE McLAME ARENA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

McCainy is DEFINITELY NOT McSame as He Was Before. The corporate news media are clinging to the Y2K edition of McCainy-- the maverick opposed to GWB. THey'd better check out the upgrade-- it is very different. He has changed his tune in many profound ways and the country does not have time to proceed on the destructive course the new McCainy supports.

Arianna Huffington has listed many of the changes in position McCain has made since his "maverick" days in this article:

He flatly denies making certain statements that we actually have on video tape. He's a Win At All Coster too.

Someone said Dems would have to rely on ageist slurs to attack McCain and I replied: Too silly-- there's lots more bad material to use against him. He has flip flopped against a lot of what he declared to be his main principles. Yes, the consolidation of media ownership has made it harder to cut through the biased TV news reporters who still promote the false "maverick" image, but we can do it. While McCainy's age will be a factor -- is that why he can't remember which is Suni vs. Shiite? -- The flip side of "same old same old" is a bright new future. We can't hang on to the old ways-- we need immediate creative solutions to very pressing international problems. The chameleon candidate who denies he made statements we have on tape and admits he doesn't understand the economy is the same guy who belonged to the notorious Keating Five. So we have ample material about a lot more than McCainy's age that will diminish his appeal.

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