Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Living the Declarative Life -- Journaling Along

Extemporize here regarding the emerging qualities of lifestyles lived 60% online. Never mind the far reaches of Second Life, the first one is being shaped by the webcam and mobile broadcasts.

Some people do seem to be living lives as they are chronicling them and which engenders which tends to blur. Are you selecting an action for its merit in your blog, webcast, and other pages-- or are you doing what you would be doing anyway, journaling be damned? And if indeed the journaling is shaping the activities, is that such a bad thing?

Yes, sadly, it can be. People have enjoyed playing mean games primarily for their video impact, victim be damned. Bullying across cyberspace. But one couldn't honestly say prior bullies required the internet to promote their activities-- they were plenty wild with only paper journaling and oral histories traded at pubs and firesides.

But the up-side is quite strong-- living to share one's experience of all the grandeur, tenderness and excitement of life-- might not be a bad idea, if the novel one is crafting treasures friendship and ecology. But then again, even the frantic disordered lives displayed before us can teach us so much. And even spare us some pain I suppose.

I was quite a vicarious friend in my youth. Treasured dramatic friends who expressed their art and went to all their shows. So in cyberspace I could trace hundreds of daring friends and add them to my friend links and bask in the second-hand glory. Kinda think I do it all the time really.

Seeds -- WE LOVE TO FIGHT -- circa 1975

We love to fight
because nothing else
can make us
feel so bad.

And we are bad.

Seeds -- IDENTIFY -- circa 1978

fill all fly by forms
and discover

The face facing you is yours.

So I was over there for quite a while

Clips from the comments exchanged.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Worse Still -- JSM III Pretends His Service has been Disrespected when we all know it hasn't

Oh pity me for something that isn't happening!! People aren't disrespecting my service-- they do the long sentences first thanking me for it, but they criticize my military policies and I don't have a great reply, so I'd better have the Republican machine run the "wounded-soldier-how-dare-you" process among our media punditry.

We all bend over backward to prequalify any comment about John Sidney McCain III's misguided war mongering policies with long declarations of our respect and thanks for his service. We all already do that, Senator.

Given-- national thanks. Already there. Your misguided policy decisions-- still there too. We need to ask you about why you joke about bombing other countries. We need to ask you about why you're okay with an occupation that lasts for decades. We need to ask why you've changed your position on fundamental issues very significantly, back and forth, over the years.

Yes, JSM III, husband of heiress, owner of 7 estates -- we do need to ask you some tough questions. Even though we thanked you several times already for your military service.

Newt and Karl are the Snarky Martini Guys

That was a self portrait. They're the snarky guys along the wall at the Country Club sipping martinis. They do that-- those narcissistic Republicans-- toss your worst aspects onto your opponent and hope they stick. Kind of a distorted Dorian Gray approach, don't you know. Tag your opponent with your worst scent and hope the stench sticks with them and doesn't waft on back to you.

Let's just not forget-- it is them-- a clear self-portrait.